It looks as if my first publication with Double Dragon E-books will be my short story in the second volume of Twisted Tales II – Time on our Hands. The first volume can be accessed at the second volume, with my short story “Ticket” included is due out any day now.
My editor assures me that the two novels, “Deadly Enterprise” and “The Wildcat’s Victory” are moving on schedule. The first is due for publication in June. The second draft of “Arrival” – the prequel to both novels – is well under way (interrupted only by a re-edit of my own to the two novels so that changes I want to make are prepared before my editor sends the blue pencil pages to me). I’m hopeful that Arrival will join the other two in 2008.
Even more recently I mailed back the publisher’s copy of a contract for my fantasy novel “Rast”. The editor at Zumaya Publications read and liked it – so now it will be slotted into Zumaya’s list somewhere after the end of this year. We may change the title; I’m leaning toward Rast – Sorcerer’s Bane, but now it’s not only my decision. My website is being updated to include the first chapter of Rast, and the map of that magic land. Descriptions of the plot can be read on my website, so I won’t repeat them here.
What else? I’m looking at doing a bit of novel reviewing for online sites. Well – if I want to have someone revue mine I guess I should offer to work on someone else’s promotion. With an election likely in Canada almost any time, my wife and I are offering our copywriting and proofreading experience to the political party of our choice. No names, but it’s not the one than upholds George Bush’s policies and runs on lavish corporate funding from oil companies.
Happy reading to all. Will write at you again soon.
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